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Business Woman Crochets Entire Cast Of Neighbours While Procrastinating Over Tax Return
Solopreneur, Jessica Garida, has attracted the attention of the media this week after photos of her...
5 Ways To Beat Procrastination & Take Back A Chunk Of Your Time
My name’s Laura and I’m a recovering procrastination-oholic.
How To Be Productive AF
Productivity…what the heck is it anyway? It seems we’ve been tricked into thinking it’s doing as...
Dick Behaviour Or Personality Traits? How To Tell The Difference
Understanding the personality traits of your team members and colleagues can completely transform...
Why Public Speaking Is So Terrifying (And How To Overcome It)
Understanding the way your brain works is the key to overcoming your fear of public speaking. This...
3 ways to stop feeling like an imposter and get your confidence back
Confidence is born out of your ability to show up as you. Here's some simple but effective ways to...
Budgeting Priorities
Budgeting Priorities When you can’t pay for health insurance because your skincare is more...
Is Your Online Shopping Out Of Control?
There's a fine line between online shopping being therapeutic and disruptive. Which one is it for...
4 Ways To Use Stress To Your Advantage
This week I got a good reminder of how powerful the mind is in driving our emotions and behaviour ...
Procrastinating for too long?
How many things have you had to say no to because you were chasing your tail after...
Hairy Armpits, We’ve All Been Here
Hairy Armpits Problems… When you’re so busy building your empire you forget about your...
Why Your Self-Esteem Is Being Damaged By Saying Sorry All The Time (And How To Stop It)
Are you a serial sorryer? This innocent word could actually be impacting your self-esteem - find...
Dear Uppy, it’s only November & I’m already freaking out about how I’ll make it to the end of the year. Help!
End of year anxiety is setting in for this e-commerce business owner. No worries - we have a...
EDM Anxiety
EDM Anxiety have you suffered from it? “Pressing send anxiety” is REAL. You know the moment...