Thank you so much for joining the Unfaked revolution!
I hope you enjoyed the book and got a lot of value (and good times) from it.
As I said at the beginning of the book, I didn’t write it just so you could learn something. I want you to be something, and in order to achieve that you have to do something.
So this is the place where you’ll find everything you need in order to take action and start propelling yourself towards true health and happiness.
Remember, the only way to achieve real success in all areas of your life is to unfake yourself and be Uppy!
Uppy = You, the real you and nothing but the real you.
Happy Unfaking!
Laura x
P.S. If you have any problems or questions, please shoot us a message here.
Current VS Ideal
Understand where you’re currently at versus where you want to be (page 65)
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Behaviour Goals
Set efficient short-term goals to guarantee you achieve your long-term goals (page 105)
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Weekly Tracker
Track your physical lifestyle habits and how they impact the way you feel (page 141)
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The Balanced Meal E-Book
Clinical nutritionist Victoria Malouf de-mystifies healthy eating (page 144)
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Possibilities Process
Gain control and make sense of a situation to make logical decisions (page 186)
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Relationship Blueprint
Take your relationship to a new level by understanding each other more deeply (page 227)
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